IPC Advanced React Workshop


Improving your Architecture

bis 3. September verfügbar

Advanced React Stoerer
Advanced React Stoerer

Advanced React Workshop

Improving your Architecture

bis zum 3. September verfügbar





Sustainable architecture for complex React applications

Do you have a React application that is getting bigger and thus more complex? Are you asking yourself the question of the right architecture to sustainably solve the problems that arise from growth?

In this workshop, we take a look behind the scenes of React and develop various approaches for solving typical problems with React.

advanced react workshop

Learn about the library's behaviour

Getting started in React isn’t always that easy.  Especially when an application is getting bigger, the question of the right structure and architecture often arises. In this workshop, we’ll take a look behind the scenes of React together and leave the perfect tutorial path for a change. 

In manageable, self-contained examples, we will address various problems from practical application development. You will have the opportunity to work on these examples yourself and learn about different approaches to solving problems. In this way, you will learn how React behaves in different situations and how you can use the library optimally for your purposes.

What the workshop covers

Basti not only shows the usual topics such as component hierarchies, context and server communication, he also deals with suspense, lazy loading and other exciting aspects of React and additional libraries.

Sebastian Springer

Sebastian Springer

MaibornWolff GmbH

The topics of iJS Fullstack Day cover a wide range from frontend frameworks to containerization and more: Angular, Kubernetes, Node, and WebAssembly are just some of the topics covered at this special day at iJS. Join us to see how they work together.

Experience several talks and an interactive panel discussion, all in one day, presented in a way that brings all of the technologies together. JavaScript evolved from a frontend language into a fullstack language – join us at iJS Fullstack Day to learn how to leverage the manifold possibilities the JS ecosystem has to offer.

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    5-Nutzer-Lizenz: 200 €
    10-Nutzer-Lizenz: 250 €
    15-Nutzer-Lizenz: 300 €
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198,80 € / Jahr – jetzt 40 € sparen –
12 Monate lang Zugriff, 10 Monate zahlen!

  • Interaktive Live-Events exklusiv auf der Plattform
  • Step-by-Step-Tutorials zu aktuellen Themen
  • Über 10.000 Fachbeiträge, Magazine, E-Books, Artikelserien und Kolumnen sowie ein umfassendes Archiv

Ab 72 € im Jahr pro Nutzer

  • Rabatte für bis zu 3 Bestellungen von Teilnahmen deines Teams an unseren Konferenzen und Trainings
    3-Nutzer-Lizenz: 150 €
    5-Nutzer-Lizenz: 200 €
    10-Nutzer-Lizenz: 250 €
    15-Nutzer-Lizenz: 300 €
  • 6 Monate Zugriff auf die Video-Aufzeichnungen von teilgenommenen Konferenzen und Trainings
  • Wir belohnen Ihre Treue: Sonderpreis für Printabonnenten! Sie sparen bis zu 10 € monatlich

Wir finden für jedes Team das passende Angebot!

  • Umfangreiche Rabatte an für die Teilnahme an unseren Konferenzen und Trainings
  • 6 Monate Zugriff auf die Video-Aufzeichnungen von teilgenommenen Konferenzen und Trainings
  • Unkomplizierter Zugriff per IP-Adresse
  • Firmenweiter Zugang über E-Mail-Domain
  • Kein Administrationsaufwand