AI for Natural Language Processing

AI for Natural Language Processing: Idea to Success

Abrufbar bis zum 15. Februar
mit Pieter Buteneers

NLP Workshop 2021 Pieter Buteneers Störer
NLP Workshop 2021 Pieter Buteneers Störer

AI for Natural Language Processing: Idea to Success​

Abrufbar bis 15.02.2022

mit Pieter Buteneers

What's the Workshop about?

Join Pieter’s session to learn more about the core strengths behind Machine Learning (ML) and Natual Language Processing (NLP) and how they can be leveraged to improve not only your processes but also your customer’s experience.

He introduces you into the concepts behind ML and NLP and shows how to transform an idea into a successful product.

Why you should join the NLP Workshop

NLP Workshop 2021 Pieter Buteneers mobile


The world of Machine Learning and AI is progressing rapidly. Every other week you read some article on how an algorithm was capable of breaking human performance on yet another task. In recent years we see these same breakthroughs happening in the domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this workshop I’ll give a brief introduction to the world of NLP, how it all started and where we are today. 

Using my former startup as an example, I’ll share some insights on how you go from a scientific paper, on to a working prototype, to a product that actually creates customer value, to end up as the market leader in the Benelux and being acquired by Sinch, the global leader in messaging and CPaaS.

Because one success doesn’t mean that you have a winning strategy, I’ll share more about This new product is something all of you can try out on today. I’ll digg in to how we started, how it works, where we are today and what we envision what will happen next.

ML and NLP will not stop here. Let us have a look into possible future fields of application and where we can move from here. Bring up your questions to discuss what you have learned today.

Dr. Pieter Buteneers

Pieter Buteneers

Pieter Buteneers is an industrial and ICT-electronics engineer.
He started his career in academia, first as a PhD student and later as a postdoc, where he did research on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Brain Computer Interfaces and Epilepsy. He won the first prize in the biggest Deep Learning competition of 2015 together with a team of machine learners from Ghent University: the National Data Science Bowl hosted on
For a while he worked as a Data Strategy and Machine Learning Consultant. He trained managers and developers to build new strategies and implement Machine Learning algorithms with the aim to extract the most value from their data.
In 2019 he became the CTO of, a platform to build multilingual chatbots ‘who’ communicate on a human level. In 2020 was acquired by Sinch and now Pieter leads all Machine Learning efforts at Sinch as Director of Engineering in ML & AI.

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