Go Day

Go Day

3 Speaker – 3 Sessions – 1 Tag

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 16. Januar





Go Day

3 Speaker – 2 Sessions – 1 Workshop
Aufzeichnung bis zum 16. Januar verfügbar





Was ist der Go Day?

Wenn du in der Tech-Branche arbeitest und DevOps deine Leidenschaft ist, dann hast du wahrscheinlich schon den Gopher kennengelernt. Dieser niedliche kleine Kerl ist das Maskottchen von Googles Programmiersprache „Go“.

Golang, wie sie genannt wird, ist nicht nur eine Programmiersprache, die von Google intern verwendet wird, sondern sie ist auch DIE wichtigste Programmiersprache für DevOps-Tools geworden: Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Helm, Grafana, Istio, Jaeger… all diese netten und hilfreichen Tools sind in Go geschrieben.

Unser Go Day würdigt die Bedeutung der Sprache und unsere Expert:innen geben einen Einblick, was man mit Go alles machen kann und wie der Gopher bei der täglichen Arbeit in einer DevOps-Umgebung hilft.

Programm | 14:00 - 17:30 Uhr

Natalie Pistunovich

How did we build a k8s operator that allows 100% up time for a high availability high workload database?

Operating a distributed high load, high throughput database in the cloud comes with several interesting challenges. In order to manage real-time serving of mission critical workloads at 100% availability we developed a Kubernetes operator that handles the operational complexities.

We needed to handle the following requirements:

  • Apply live patches
  • Replace live cluster with tens of nodes
  • Handle degraded/crashed nodes

Under these conditions:

  • High Availability
  • Remain 100% online with no down time
  • Operate under very high workloads and traffic
  • Manage replicated records across different hardware failure groups (rack awareness)

Due to its stateful nature and the type of workloads that are usually handled, cluster management and recovery are non-trivial. We are using the Operators API to handle that complexity and control the clusters from within Kubernetes.

In this talk we’ll cover the steps we took to plan and execute and the challenges we faced and share the best practices.

Speaker’s bio: 

Natalie is a learner, a Google Developer Expert for Go, an OpenAI ambassador, a public speaker and a sailor. When she’s not working on robust systems at Aerospike, she is organizing the GopherCon Europe and Cloud Nein conferences, and the Berlin chapters of the Go and Women Techmakers user groups. Previously, she was an Engineering Manager, Software and Hardware Engineer, and a Co-Founder of a mobile start-up. In her free time, she is wondering if there is life on Mars.

Anthony Alaribe

To build confidence in the applications we build, it has become widely accepted that we should write tests to verify our program behaviour, but also to define our application’s contracts with it’s users. So, when test correctly, we can identity if our application is working correctly, but also to quickly spot regressions, when we break functionality that was working in the past.

This talk intends to explore 3 main kinds of testing (unit, integration and end to end), and also details how these can be done in golang, as well as the best practices and useful libraries and patterns for writing expressive boilerplate free tests that actually test our program behaviours.

Speaker’s bio: 

Anthony Alaribe is a Senior Software Engineer at Delivery Hero. He is based in Berlin, Germany and has been writing Go in production since 2014. Besides writing code, he is excited about functional programming, enjoys drawing, and hiking.

Jan Stamer

HTTP/2, full json support and a great networking stack, all that is part of Go’s standard library. Just like everything else you need for a smashing web application. You can run your Go application on AWS Lambda, any operating system or in your browser with WebAssembly thanks to Go’s extreme portability.

You will learn the basics of web development with Go very hands on and with just the standard library of Go. Along the way we will touch essential tooling and dev setup. By then building a REST API or simple server rendered frontend is a piece of cake. And let us not forget to properly test the bastard, before putting it out in the wild.

Speaker’s bio: 

Jan Stamer is Solution Architect at Commerzbank AG. In an agile environment he ensures that even complex endeavors lead to a joint (and sustainable solution). He uses the whole Commerzbank technology stack – from Java, Spring and Hibernate over Kotlin and REST up to Docker and Kubernetes.

You have now received an introduction and overview of Go. But surely there are many more questions burning under your nails, which you can now discuss with the Go Day speakers in this AMA (Ask me Anything) session.

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