PHP Day: The Many Faces of PHP

PHP Day: The Many Faces of PHP

State of the art PHP

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 19. Juli 2023

PHP Day: The Many Faces of PHP

State of the art PHP

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 19.07.2023

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What's hot in the PHP community?

What’s hot in the PHP community? The workhorse of internet programming languages is tirelessly turning the innovation wheel. We take a look at important innovations and exciting projects that will inspire your next project.

PHP Day Illustration

Das erwartet dich

PHP and parallel programming aren’t often heard together in the same sentence. Indeed, whenever we need parallel processing, we usually resort to some weird techniques. However, the power of multithreaded execution is just one extension away! In this talk, we will look into the ‚parallel‘ extension — which provides us with the tools for modern multithreaded programming — and try to break the stigma surrounding PHP and multithreading.

Data breaches and sensitive data leaks can cripple an organization’s reputation and financial stability. But what if there was a simple solution to safeguarding your logs? Enter the new SensitiveParameters feature in PHP 8.2! In this talk, we’ll show you how this small but mighty feature can revolutionize logging practices and prevent accidental data leaks. We’ll take you on a journey through a sample application and the ELK stack, demonstrating the challenges of securing logs and the extensive coding required to mitigate leaks. Then, we’ll reveal how implementing SensitiveParameters in PHP 8.2 can drastically streamline this process and enhance your application’s security with minimal effort. Get ready to discover the game-changing potential of this exciting new feature!

With the introduction of PHP 7.4, writing a PHP extension is no longer necessary when using an existing library. However, is it truly more convenient to communicate with external libraries via PHP FFI? Wouldn’t it be more logical to prioritize extension development, even if it requires learning another programming language? In this talk, I will showcase how to interact with external libraries using PHP FFI and compare it to a similar approach using a PHP extension written in pure C. Through a side-by-side analysis, we will jointly determine which method is superior

Unsere Speaker

Milko has been a professional developer for 16 years, but actually started to play with programming about 24 years ago. He has worked on many diverse projects, including TV productions, SMS and Voice added services, MMO games, freelancing, SEO aiding projects, healthcare, etc. He is keen on writing clean, expressive working code. When programming, he mostly enjoys designing the overall architecture of the system and digging deeply into the domain of the problem at hand. On the non-technical side – he started his own company in 2018 and organized Bulgaria PHP Conference 2019. Also, he’s a wannabe rock star and sings in bands

Christian Dangl is Head of Technology at the Shopware agency dasistweb GmbH. His focus is on system architecture, software architecture, automations, integrations and QA. In addition, he is the managing director of Live Score GmbH, a scoreboard playout software for sports broadcasts, likes to give trainings and holds talks at webinars and conferences.

Bohuslav Šimek works as a lead programmer at PeoplePath, where he is primarily responsible for the underlying architecture. In his free time, he is trying to apply Atwood’s Law to PHP. This fruitless effort can be summarized with the following words: „Any application that can be written in PHP, will eventually be written in PHP.“

Unsere Speaker:innen

Bohuslav Šimek

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