Data Science Day

Data Science Day

Everything You Need To Know

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 16. Juni 2023

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 16. Juni 2023

Data Science Day
Data Science Day

Data Science Day

Everything You Need To Know

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis
zum 16. Juni 2023

Data Science Day

Live-Event startet in:





4 Experts in One Afternoon

Unlock the power of data with an afternoon jam-packed with Data Science insights from our team of ML and AI experts. Dive into the world of Python, training scripts and R, and learn how to master fundamental libraries, develop your own models, write effective training scripts and clean data like a pro. Join us and kickstart your Data Science journey!

Data Science Day

Das erwartet dich:

While Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to do research and iterate fast, at some point comes the time when you need a robust, reliable, and repeatable training process. So it is time to write your ML/DL model down in a script that can be run automatically and for much longer durations on, for example, a training server. In this talk, Christoph Henkelmann will present one opinionated way to write a good training script using PyTorch. 

The talk will address a number of issues that he has encountered in practice and noticed beginners struggle with: 

  • What needs to be configurable, and what needs to be hardcoded? 
  • How do we configure hyperparameters? 
  • How do we make experiments repeatable? 
  • When do we need „software architecture,“ and when is simple copy-pasting enough? 
  • What do we need to track and log, and how? 
  • How to best structure your script? 

The goal is to give a coarse but complete overview of how to do professional model training.

R is like that one fella who nobody wants to hang out with; until they meet him. And then they love him. And finally, everybody thinks about how the hell they managed to survive so long without knowing him. Yep, that’s the R language.

R is usually thought of as a weird language used by statisticians. And Mihailo Joksimovic is determined to debunk that myth!

Join us in this „Intro to R“ talk, where Mihailo will give you a bit of history and a quick overview and then proceed to do a deep-dive into a beautiful universe of doing Data Science with R called „TidyVerse!“

Satisfaction is guaranteed!

If you want to get started with practical AI and machine learning, this talk is a great introduction. In fact, hands-on learning is the best way to learn ML and AI. But don’t worry. It is easier than you think. In this talk, Majid Baa Wafaa, Ph.D., will focus on the fundamental needs of AI and ML in Python. You will learn about and apply fundamental Python libraries for data preparation, which is a prerequisite for AI modelling.

This talk focuses on building up your practical skills in ML and AI so that you can understand how to develop simple models in Python or even build an advanced model with effective modern AI and machine learning methods. You’ll learn from real examples that lead to real results. Throughout this talk, you’ll take an engaging step-by-step approach to understanding a final production. You won’t have to sit through any unnecessary theory. Neda Navidi, Ph.D. will make you ready for your real AI modelling in production.

Unsere Experten

Majid Baa Wafaa, Ph.D.


I have completed my Ph.D. in electrical engineering (optimization techniques and operational technology) from École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), and postdoctoral studies from HEC Montréal, and ÉTS. I have been an optimization researcher and operational technology scientist in different research teams at various companies. I have both academic and industrial experiences in the field of operational technology from 2005. Although I enjoy all aspects of this field, my top four areas of research interest are optimization, AI application, system modeling and simulation. I now work as a system developer at OSI company.

Neda Navidi, Ph.D.


I have completed my Ph.D. in AI from École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), and postdoctoral studies from McGill University, HEC Montréal, and Polytechnique Montréal. I have been a machine learning (ML) researcher, applied research scientist, and data scientist in different research teams at various companies. I am also an expert in deep learning, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, supervised / unsupervised learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and time-series data. I have been invited for several talks and oral/tutorial presentations as tutor and speaker in various summits, conferences and workshops related to machine learning. I now work as a professional AI researcher at ÉTS.

Christoph Henkelmann



Christoph Henkelmann ist technischer Geschäftsführer der von ihm mit gegründeten KI-Beratungs- und -Entwicklungsfirma DIVISIO. Dort verbindet er theoretische Kenntnisse aus dem Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Enterprise-Software-Entwicklung.

Mihailo Joksimovic



Mihailo Joksimovic ist Softwarearchitekt aus Leidenschaft, Engineering Manager aus Zufall und REVT-Praktiker aus Notwendigkeit. In mehr als vierzehn Jahren in der Branche hat er sich in etliche Technologien vertieft, darunter PHP, Java, Python und R. 

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