Cloud Native Workshop

Cloud Native Workshop

Application Development and Deployment

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 03. Januar 2023





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Cloud Native Workshop

Application Development and Deployment

Aufzeichnung ansehen bis zum 03. Januar 2023





Everything you need to know about: MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, Open Liberty, OpenShift and Istio

What is the modern and open way to build cloud-native microservices? Are there any programming models available? You might have heard about MicroProfile. If you are wondering about the why, what, and how aspects of MicroProfile, this workshop is for you.

That's what you will learn

In this workshop, you’ll learn everything you need about MicroProfile with an explanation and demo. After we create the microservice, you’ll get the hang of how to package it in a Docker container and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster. 

Finally, you’ll understand how to use Istio to manage your microservice interactions. 

Come to this session to develop your deep knowledge about what MicroProfile is and how you can use it to build well-performed microservices. After this session, you should understand how to best develop and deploy Cloud Native Microservices by using MicroProfile to work well with cloud infrastructure, such as Kubernetes and Istio.

The first theoretical part will be lecture-based here on the platform. For the practical part we will move to Github.


Emily Jiang is Java Champion. She is Senior MicroProfile lead and has been working on MicroProfile since 2016 and leads the specifications of MicroProfile Config, Fault Tolerance and Service Mesh. She is Config JSR co-spec lead and CDI Expert Group member.

She works for IBM as Liberty Architect for MicroProfile and CDI. Based at IBM’s Hursley laboratory in the UK, she has worked on the WebSphere Application Server since 2006 and is heavily involved in Java EE implementation in Liberty releases.

She regularly speaks at conferences, such as Code One, DevNexus, JAX London, Voxxed, Devoxx US, Devoxx Belgium, Devoxx UK, Devoxx France, EclipseCon, etc.

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