Computer Vision: Object Detection and Tracking
Quantifying the Visual World
Live on 06. February 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30
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Dive Into the Future of IoT
Video analysis will be the next big thing in IoT and beyond as it allows us to observe and analyze many scenes and use cases, like counting bicycle traffic or detecting workplace accidents. In this session we will:
- Briefly look at the fundamental technologies that power computer vision applications
- Discuss privacy and ethics considerations and potential solutions for real world camera applications
- Set up an OpenDataCam, an open source computer vision software
Anyone interested in computer vision applications are encouraged to attend. A system with an NVIDIA GPU & CUDA is a plus, but not required.
Get To Know Our Expert
Valentin Sawadski - OpenDataCam
Over the last 10 years, Valentin has been „bringing things online“ through retrofits or new product development.
Using design thinking and lean startup methods, he typically starts with the definition of the product and continues development until market launch, including the production of hardware prototypes.
In addition to his technical skills, as co-founder of tado°, he has built several high-performing engineering teams and contributed to the development of the smart home and IIoT markets. He is currently a freelancer and helps his clients succeed in their IoT journey.
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