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JVM Internals and Performance Explained
The Java Virtual Machine is one of the most widespread programming platforms, however, it remains a black box for many engineers. This Fullstack Live Event will give attendees an in-depth understanding of how the JVM works, how to properly diagnose memory-related issues, utilize garbage collection, and scale up performance using real-world case studies and examples.
What Can I Learn About Java Virtual Machine?
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the most popular programming platform in the world. It empowers thousands of enterprises to run their mission-critical applications. However, JVM is still a black box to most engineers.
In this Fullstack Live Event, you will gain a deep understanding of how the JVM works (thread, heap, metaspace, native memory, hotspot…), and understand how to analyze JVM-generated dumps, such as GC logs, thread dumps, and heap dumps. We will learn about ageless patterns for diagnosing and solving production problems, without being tied to a specific tool or technology. This Fullstack Live Event will cover best practices for tuning garbage collection, reducing GC pause times, and scaling up application performance several folds.
We will follow real-world case studies of performance issues faced by major enterprises & techniques used to address them and look at the best practices, tools, tips, and techniques to identify application performance bottlenecks and resolve them instantly.
Hundreds of engineers have fast-tracked their careers through this workshop. Engineers have become leads. Leads have become managers. Now it’s your turn!

Get To Know Our Expert
Ram Lakshmanan - yCrash
Ram is the founder of the popular DevOps tools GCeasy.io, fastThread.io, and HeapHero.io.
Every single day, millions and millions of people in North America travel, bank, and do commerce using the applications that Ram Lakshmanan has architected. He has developed one of the world’s largest banking applications which is used by one in three US households. He has designed a B2B travel application which processes 70% of North America’s leisure travel bookings.
Ram advises startups, Fortune 500 enterprises, and governmental organizations on their critical technology initiatives.
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