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The Keys to Resilient Leadership
Join this Fullstack Live Event as expert Mona Riabacke provides insights and trigger thoughts about our basic mechanisms, how we handle uncertainty, and how to improve our own leadership during times of change.
How can we use this knowledge to better handle future challenges? With solid knowledge and experience from both academia and the business sector, Mona guides her audiences to wiser decisions in an increasingly complex world.
Get To Know Our Expert
Mona Riabacke - Riabacke & Co
Mona Riabacke holds a Ph.D. in Risk and Decision Analysis and leads Riabacke & Co, assisting companies and organizations in developing their business processes.
Previously, she worked as a project manager in both academic and business settings. She is the author of the book „Freestyle Decision Making – surfing the wave of information,“ which was shortlisted for the best HR book in Sweden, and she hosts the popular Swedish business podcast, Beslutspodden.
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