Practical API Security Workshop: Attack and Defense

Attack and Defense - Practical API Security Workshop

Think like a hacker

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 1. Dezember





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Attack and Defense - Practical API Security Workshop

Think like a hacker

Aufzeichnung verfügbar bis zum 1. Dezember





Attack and Defense!

In this hands-on workshop, you will get to know vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited to break into an application through an API. A closer look at OWASP’s API Security Top 10 will provide you with details about some possible attacks and their prevention. You will learn to protect APIs against attacks using secure coding practices, software architecture, and security infrastructure like API gateways.
This practice-oriented workshop is not about compliance and papers. It’s about technology and methodology with lots of demonstrations and best practices.

Learn to think like a hacker

APIs are connecting Single Page Applications on the Web with backend systems containing sensitive data. Companies are becoming platforms by exposing business functions as APIs. The ever-growing attack surface of APIs is opening backdoors into applications. IT security has just started to recognize APIs as a vector for attacks.

To effectively protect APIs, it is important to understand potential attacks and their targeting. In the workshop, you learn how to think like a hacker and to apply several techniques to break into an application through an API. You will learn how to discover API-related security issues and vulnerabilities. We will discuss current best practices and strategies for improving API security.

Enhance your security

Almost every company was affected by the Log4J vulnerability at the end of last year. In the workshop, we will demonstrate the complete attack including the remote code execution through an API.You will learn how hackers use vulnerabilities and exploits like mass assignment, SQL injection, and broken user authentication to get access to resources through an API. This workshop is for IT security specialists, software architects, and developers who have to protect resources against threats imposed by APIs. 

Learn how to apply secure coding practices, proper software architecture, and infrastructure to give hackers a hard time.

Tobias Polley

Tobias Polley Profil


Tobias Polley is CEO, architect, consultant and trainer at predic8 in Bonn, Germany. He spends most of his time with developers and architects helping them to become more productive. To enable faster time-to-market, he helps leverage cloud technologies. Together with his customers, he architects, sets up and secures Kubernetes clusters, API gateways as well as CI/CD chains for cloud native applications. Tobias contributes to several open source projects. He maintains the open source API gateway Membrane Service Proxy which helps companies secure their applications.

Focusing on cloud infrastructure, his interest in distributed systems comes in handy. He is amazed by (in)effective security measures competing with bureaucracy and clearly favors one over the other.


Thomas Bayer

Thomas Bayer Profil


Thomas Bayer works as a development consultant for over 25 years. He cofounded predic8, a software consultancy located in Bonn Germany, he is interested in APIs, Microservices, and application integration. He developed and maintains open-source tools and libraries that are the foundation for several API products and services across the industry. In his spare time, he does yoga or takes photographs.


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